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Professor Iain McInnes
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Professor McInnes

Vice-Principal and Head of College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences

​Professor Iain McInnes is a global leader in the field of arthritis research. He has just been appointed as Vice Principal and Head of College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences in the University of Glasgow.

Over two decades, he has led numerous clinical trials and pathogenesis investigation programmes in inflammatory arthritis at the international level. His work has focused upon the biology of inflammatory cytokines in arthritis and extended to other inflammatory diseases. More recently he has worked on the mechanisms of co-morbidities in chronic diseases. He has in addition pioneered the area of precision medicine in inflammatory arthritis.

For the last 5 years, he has served as the Director of the ARUK Centre of Excellence for Rheumatoid Arthritis, now renewed as the UK Centre for Inflammatory Arthritis through to 2024. He is Chief Investigator of the IMID-Bio-UK meta-consortium leading the UK effort to discover precision medicine tractable biomarkers for application in immune diseases. He is immediate past chairman of the Foreum (Foundation for European Rheumatology Research) Scientific Committee, leads the European Roadmap programme that is defining the research agenda for European rheumatology for the next decade and in 2019 became President of EULAR, the leading transnational society for rheumatology across Europe. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. He has been recipient of a number of prizes recognizing his work including e.g. the Sir James Black Medal, 2017, The Heberden Medal from BSR in 2018 and most recently the Carol Nachmann Prize in 2019. He was made CBE by Her Majesty the Queen in 2019.